Star Wars Scout Ships

29.09.2019by admin
Star Wars Scout Ships Average ratng: 6,6/10 3465 votes

Just getting back into playing GS again regularly with my brother. I need some advice on playing Scouts. I never played scouts much before (mained a Strike Fighter before) and it seems that they should be the best counter to the gunships that are abundant in the ques. It pretty much seems that gunships are there to counter the bombers (for good reason) but they also seem to take out our strike fighters pretty well also. So I'm trying to focus on becoming an ace with scouts and would like to ask everyone else's advice in what scout ship to get good at using and what loadouts (crew, DCD's, primary/secondary weapons etc.) are best for taking out the gunships. What do you Scout ace's use?

  1. Star Wars Scout Ships Map

What tactics do you use? Thanks in advance!Side question: we made new characters on Harbinger and Ebon Hawk soley for just playing GS since our server we main on (Bergeren colony) doesn't have a large population playing GS. Any good guilds that we could join that are GS specific? If you want to focus on Gunship-killing, then the best option probably is a T2 Scout with Quads, Pods, TT, Powerdive, DF, Lightweight Armor, Regen Thrusters, Large Reactor and Range Capacitor. Crew: offensive: 6%acc/+ammo, defensive: evasion/shield-hp, engineering: reduced cost for blasters and boostIf you want an allround Scout then you should also use a T2 Scout but with BLC, Clusters and Retros with the rest of the components staying the same.Generals tips for attacking Gunships:Don't approach them in their field of view, try to sneak up from the side or behind.If there's more than one GS, attack the one with the least cover.Try to attack when the GS is charging it's rail, usually they have tunnel vision on their target when they do.Use cooldowns wisely. If you slow down to attack you might want to use DF to avoid being shot by another GS. Use Powerdive to get behind cover.

Star Wars Scout Ships

I don't personally feel like that last build benefits from retros more than Power Dive or Barrel Roll, but it's really a matter of play style. Solid advice regardless.I prefer Retros because they're a huge advantage in dogfights and I can use them to stay on target longer. I should mention that I'm using Booster Recharge instead of TT, because I hate running out of engine power.Powerdive is a good choice because it works with empty engine power and has the shortest cooldown. Barrel Roll is useful but it's important to keep an eye on the engine pool when using it. To add to the above:I personally prefer frequency capacitor, as a good GS will move, and frequency has a greater chance of getting an extra shot in. Range is certainly not wrong, though.Speaking of range, do not open up on them at the edge of your range. Look at the damage and accuracy profiles of quads and BLCs (whichever you choose).


The ship isn't from classic Star Wars but from Yoda Chronicles flown by Jek, the bad-turned-good guy with a magic crystal arm. It comes with him (with a 2-sided head, normal and crazy face), an unnamed Ithorian Jedi, a gray protocol droid, and a generic blue astromech. May 17, 2016  Star Wars: The Last Stand of Blue Squadron - Spacedock Short - Duration: 4:17. Spacedock 83,405 views. Star Wars Warships by Danny Withers. Warships i have made for the Star Wars Universe. Danny Withers's (yz-775) Star Wars Scout Ships/Star Wars Warships Album.

Both are more effective at closer range, as with all lasers, but BLC distance tail off is severe. Best used within 2k, but closer is always better. Quads and pods are more forgiving of distance, because quads performance decreases less severely with distance. BLC/Cluster builds are further assisted by being as close as possible by reducing missile travel time, and therefore lock break opportunity.Cluster is a mixed bag against them. Some will wait until the missile is launched to break with disto. This is a double edged sword, as it gives you a few shots with their evasion at a sub-optimal level but your missile won't land (while at least some pods will). Others will hit disto as soon as fired on and eat the missile to finish their shot (that's probably the wisest thing, as the lasers are more dangerous than one cluster).


Pods give no missile lock warning, obviously, and the overall DPS is, I think, higher (or at least unstoppable, without evasion, which leads to.)You.probably. want to go with wingman or running interference. I think that Wingman serves a pod n' quad better, as both those weapons have lower peak accuracy than BLCs and you will miss some shots against the passive evasion of a GS. It helps BLC/Cluster less because one weapon has higher accuracy already at close range, and the other ignores it. Note, 'Less', not 'not at all'. Both co-pilot abilities work well with both builds though, and I switch between them quite frequently. RI probably serves better against GS walls, where you want them to move more than die to break the formation, while not yourself being a free kill.GS will generally use disto, but seem more inclined toward wingman than RI, on the whole (at least on TRE), so their peak evasion is rarely egregious and you will cause a lot of damage and kills without wingman, if you find yourself getting shot at a lot.


RI is also better if your use of cover and angle of attack are still in early stages of practice.Concentrated fire should be mentioned as well, for its synergy with TT and potential to allow you to just kill a GS before they can even decide to finish the shot they're in or not. It's benefit is too infrequent and short for me to use it, though. But hitting 1 and 4 on pod n' quad/TT then unloading at a GS can kill them (and anything else) hilariously quickly. Worth a mention.Scouts attacking gunships is as much disruption as destruction, and you need to stay very mobile, and they need to be stationary to attack. To that end, by default (circumstances may well vary), if they move, move on, if they don't, they die. Assume that at least one more GS is targeting you at all times. Use cover as much as possible, choose your targets carefully, sneak in from the sides and on the way into your attack fly in erratically or in an arc, so they have to fire off centre, compromising their accuracy (both the game mechanic accuracy and their own actual aim).Engine component is a matter of playstyle, as dakhath says, and I think retro, barrel and PD all have merits.

Star Wars Scout Ships Map

Retros, for example, help with the GS that will try to get a close range rail or retaliate with their BLCs, and I've seen many rail shots from another GS pass infront of me after I slow to attack the one infront of me and retro back. Barrel gets you in, and more importantly, out, most reliably. I have little experience with powerdive and plan on trying it, so I can't speak from experience there, but it seems like it would provide the most unpredictable target while giving similar mobility to barrel, more often, at less cost (but great risk of falling victim to GSFs super-aces, the asteroids).Other little rules:Feedback shield hurts and fortress shield is a hilarious deathtrap.Hope that helps. Crew talent depends heavily on what's usually trying to kill you. If it's a burst laser scout, suppression is nice, because it will make it a lot harder for it to hit you. If it's a wall of gunships, you can leave that debuff on the one which gets away so he's got a lot harder time picking you off when he turns around, but usually RI is the one you want because it works against all of the gunships in the wall, or wingman so you can shoot through distortion field.I used to fly exclusively GS, then spent a long time focusing on anti-GS scout builds (sort of a 'know thine enemy' kind of exercise). T2 scout is the way to go.

I've tried all sorts of builds, but ultimately settled on BLC/TT/clusters/DF, and I switch between BR and PDie. I'm terrible with pods, but a quads & pods build can be just as effective (or more so) in the right hands. Which are not mine.Re: crew actives, take a long look at suppression. I used to use wingman but it's kind of unnecessary if you also run TT; I've tried CF, which is great versus bombers, but not optimal if you're gunship-hunting.

RI is never a bad choice but I've concluded that for GS hunting, especially if you aren't facing a wall of them, suppression is a bit more helpful.Re: guilds - as has been mentioned, Eclipse/Saberwing seem to be tops on TEH (though I haven't seen those guys in a while - bad timing maybe?) and Gone Sithing/Jawa's Order are good on Harb (as Maulkat noted). There's also SRW (Shadowlands Reconnaisance Wing), which started on SL but is pretty much on every server in one incarnation or another, and is probably the highest-profile GSF-only guild out there these days.EDIT: to SRW site if you want to track us down.

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