How To Layer Sounds In Fl Studio

04.10.2019by admin
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TUTORIAL: How To Make A Catchy Trap Beat in FL Studio Setting Up Your Basic Beat Sequencer Settings In FL Studio The first thing to do before you begin making a Trap beat in FL Studio is to set up the basic beat sequencer settings in the FL Studio beat sequencer window. Method 1 - AutoHotkey. Good thing is that FL Studio uses space key to play/pause soundtrack or piano roll track, so you can basically edit your piano roll (while the system sound is muted) and then press space, which will unmute the system sound and play the track at the same time. When you press space again, it will stop the sound track and mute system sounds again. Step 2: Improve the general sound quality by layering, stacking and combining different samples. Do that right from the start when you program your drums. If you found a decent bass drum, that sounds “kinda nice”, but is missing something, just layer it with another bass drum sample.

How To Mix Vocals in FL Studio 12. In this video, discuss his mixing technics for vocals and explains how to use it in FL Studio 12.

Step-by-Step Vocal Recording ChecklistNow that you know how to record vocals at home that sound professional, you need to go away and implement all of this.It’s useless reading all this information if you never put it into practice.Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the entire process:Step 1) Before the session, choose a room with very little reverb.Step 2) Use some acoustic treatment. Create a vocal booth out of mattresses or acoustic panels.Step 3) Set up your equipment. Make sure you have all the right accessories. Use a shockmount, pop shield and sturdy floor stand.Step 4) Get a rough headphone mix going.Step 5) Position the singer 6 inches away from the microphone.Step 6) Add a small amount of reverb to the vocal. Use direct monitoring for the dry vocal combined with a 100% wet reverb version of the vocal coming from your DAW.Step 7) Get the vocalist to warm up. Play the song through a few times. Try removing one ear. If the vocalist doesn’t feel comfortable, consider monitoring on loudspeakers.Step 8) Set proper levels (averaging around -18dBFS).Step 9) Apply subtle compression using outboard equipment if possible.Step 10) Go for a full song rehearsal. Record it just in case it’s the best take.Step 11) Tell the vocalist how amazing they are.Step 12) Move a few inches, record again.Step 13) Move close to around 4 inches, record again (just in case, it’s usually better to be further away).Step 14) Listen back – which end of the scale sounds best, close or far? Or does the standard 6 inches sound good? Find a compromise.Step 15) Record 3 full song takes minimum on different tracks or takes (depending on software).Remember that a good vocal is made in the recording phase.


Focus 80% of your energy on recording vocals and 20% on mixing.This will get you the best results (and mixing will be easy).

In this tutorial I will show you how you can use (it’s a freeware VST synth), layering, routing and couple of FL Studio effects to achieve that wide and huge stereo lead sound you can hear on those professional EDM tracks, mostly in trance.Let’s get started.There’s actually two ways to layer and control your layered instruments: with MIDI out plugin and/or via Layer channels. I will show you both methods, but first I’m going to concentrate on the MIDI out plugin so load it first. It’s one of the native FL Studio plugins and does not make or contain any sound on its own. Now, exit from the TAL-NoiseMaker Wrapping settings and choose a preset titled “LD We Felt Digital TUC”. Open the Channel settings and assign this first unit of TAL-NoiseMaker to an empty mixer track.Open the mixer and set the mixer track settings of the first unit of TAL-NoiseMaker like this: volume level to 0.0dB, panning to center. Add Fruity Parametric EQ 2 to the fx slot and use low shelf filter to boost the low and a little:Next, add an empty pattern to the Playlist view, open the Piano Roll view of the MIDI out plugin and create a lead run like shown below:This is how it sounds so far:Ok. Add another unit of TAL-NoiseMaker.

Again, open up the Wrapping settings and set the MIDI input port to 0. Load a preset called “KB Big Synth FN”.

How To Fl Studio

Also, via the Channel settings, assign this second unit of TAL-NoiseMaker to an empty mixer track as well.Here are the mixer track settings for the second unit of TAL-NoiseMaker: volume level -2.8dB, panning 64% left.This is how it sounds now:Next, add a third unit of TAL-NoiseMaker. And again, open up the Wrapping settings and set the MIDI input port to 0. Load a preset “LD Breadbin Burble AS”. Assign this unit of TAL-NoiseMaker to an empty mixer track, and set the mixer track settings as follows: volum level -2.8dB, panning 56% right.

Add Fruity Parametriq EQ 2 into the fx slot and use high pass filter to roll off the low frequencies from 145Hz and below:This is how it sounds so far:Now, route all the mixer tracks to one empty mixer track. What the routing does is that it sends the audio output of the routed track to a specified mixer track and from there to master mixer track. This is particularly useful feature when you start to mix in other instruments as you can control the volume level of all the three layered instruments at once. Also, you can add compression, eq, reverb and other effects to the routing track and it will affect to all the instruments at once. Putting gentle compression or reverb to the routing track, for example, is a great way to “tie” all the layered sounds together.Remember though, that you can still control the volume levels of all the individual mixer tracks, add fx etc. Even if they are routed.Alright.

How To Layer Sounds In Fl Studio

The routing is done as follows: in the mixer view, click on one of the mixer tracks where the TAL-NoiseMaker unit is assigned to. Hoover the mouse over an empty mixer track and right click the little arrow icon that is about a halfway of the volume slider bar and choose “Route to this track only” from the pop-up menu.Do the same for all the TAL-NoiseMaker mixer tracks. Route them all to the same empty mixer track.Now click on the mixer track you routed the other mixer tracks and set it as follows: volume level to 0.0dB, panning to center, stereo separation (that little knob below the pan controller, used for widening the stereo image) to 17% separated (turn it left):Also, add Fruity Delay 2 to the fx slot. This will add ethereal atmosphere to the layered sound and as we are using Ping Pong delay and hard panning it also helps to widen the stereo image. Set the fx mix level to 42% and use the following settings:Next, add Fruity Reeverb 2 to the second fx slot. This is here to add sense of space, to make things sound even more huge. Set the mix level to 32% and use the following settings:And last but not least, add Soundgoodizer to the third fx slot for beefing up things a little.

Use the following settings:Okay, we are all set and this is how the whole lead melody with layering and effects sounds:That’s pretty much it.Now to the alternative layering method (this is actually easier to set up).Instead of using MIDI out plugin for controlling all the VST instruments at once, you can replace it with a Layer channel. Basically Layer channel does the same what MIDI out plugin: it passes note data from its Piano roll and controller input to any number of other channels which are called child channels. So in this example, you can set all the three units of TAL-NoiseMakers to be as child channels for the Layer channel. After that, all the notes played on a Layer Channel are passed to all children channels of that Channel. And if you activate the Layer channel, you can play all your children channel instruments at once with your MIDI keyboard or by using your typing keyboard – just like you would do with the MIDI out plugin.Here’s how you set the Layer channel and children channels. Thanks for your irrelevant and rude comment, dickhead. Feeling better person now?

In case you’re too stupid to understand it (and based on your comment, you most likely are), your comment was disrespectful and indicates a complete lack of manners.I admit my grammar is far from perfect. English is not my native language so it’s very time consuming for me to write text in understandable english let alone create these tutorials which takes majority of my freetime btw, and idiots like you aren’t making it any easier.I think you’re probably one of those typical internet-age nitpicker deadbeats who’s either trying to be smart or boost low self esteem by sitting all day long in front of computer, hiding behind nicknames and leaving stupid and harsh comments on peoples websites. It’s people like you who makes the Internet a bad place. And I’m sick of it.

Sick of people like you.I hope you piss off now.Have a nice day. Hey Petri.Let me begin by saying thank you and what a great tutorial!I have a few questions. You come across as very specific in some of your settings.

For example, your pans for the two other synths were 64% left and 56% right. What is the reason for these exact amounts. Is there a certain guideline one should be following or is it what you felt sounded the best? I noticed you did the same for volume and fx mix levels.

What exactly does this do (I have no idea what the fx mix level is:P)?Last question, and I apologize about the length of my comment, but coming from a house producing point of view, where would you have this lead in the song?Thank you 🙂. Hey Erik, I just used those specific settings because they sounded good to my ears. When I produce, I pretty much rely on my ears and what sounds good. 🙂The fx mix level controls the wet/dry (processed/non-processed) level of the effect. But I have to say that BEST practice is to always use the wet/dry controller from WITHIN the effect plugin itself and not with the fx mixe level -knob because most plugins will have processing delay which may lead to a thing called phase cancellation (that makes the audio sound hollow if you know what I mean) as the wet signal slightly lags the dry signal.

How to layer sounds in fl studio 1

However I’ve been using it (I actually dont know why lol, maybe because its so ‘quick’ to use) with such effects as Fruity Reeverb 2 & Fruity Delay 2 and haven’t yet noticed any phase cancellation issues.hope this helps!