Forge Of Empires Heavy Cavalry

19.09.2019by admin
Forge Of Empires Heavy Cavalry Average ratng: 5,8/10 9667 votes
  1. Forge Of Empires Heavy Cavalry
  2. Forge Of Empires Armored Infantry
  3. Forge Of Empires Heavy Cavalry 2

Forge Of Empires Heavy Cavalry

Military Units arethe soldiers that fight for you in battle, acting an essential role inthe game. There are five classes of military unit in the game. They are Light Melee ( ), Heavy Melee ( ), Fast ( ), Short Ranged ( ) and Long Ranged ( ).They each have different properties, and players need to change theirplay style and tactics depending on which units they use most.To train a unit, you have to build their specificbarracks/building after having researched the technology.An example isto have researched Spears, built a, and then you can trainfrom this military building. A barracks can train and hold two unitsafter being built, but it has two more slots to be unlocked using goldand supplies.

Forge Of Empires Armored Infantry

At the start of Forge of Empires, there is very little choice in which units you can deploy. Spearmen are optimal for two reasons. First, they are cheap and secondly, they can be replaced in as little as 25 seconds. We must be aware that because they are melee units, they are most at risk from retaliation damage. Forge of Empires Military Buildings and Units List Terrain bonus: Light melee gets defense bonus in trees/bushes, heavy melee gets defense bonus on grass, short / long range get attack bonus on rocks / hills.

The fifth slot needs to unlock. This means the most a barracks can hold is 5 units.Some units gain an attack and/or defense bonus when on a certain type of terrain. For example, gain 2 defense bonus when on the 'bushes' type of terrain andgain 1 attack bonus when on the 'hills' type.

These bonuses are oftensimilar for all units of a similar class but this is not always true(especially in the Industrial Age)Some classes gain bonuses against other classes, giving great advantage against them. For example, who is will gain both 2 attack and defense bonus while fighting, such as.Once a military unit has taken damage, it takes time to heal.Once a unit has been produced, this time is displayed when the playervisits the building that unit is housed in (providing the building iscurrently idle).

This time is how long it takes for the given unit torecover 1 hit point. SpearfighterLight Melee7 / 7 / 14 / 1Fast +3Forest D+325 / 5 / 20s30sSpearfighter BarrackSlingerShort Ranged6 / 3 / 12 / 5Heavy Melee +3Rocks A+160 / 15 / 1h2minSlinger RangeHorsemanFast8 / 5 / 22 / 1Short Ranged +3-24 / 100 / 1h6minHorseman StableWarriorHeavy Melee6 / 10 / 11 / 1Light Melee +3Grass D+2160 / - / 1h6minWarrior BarrackStone ThrowerLong Ranged3 / 2 / 6 / 12Heavy Melee +2Hills A+1- / 180 / 1h6minThrower CampClubmanLight Melee3 / 3 / 14 / 1Fast +6-Untrainable-No BuildingIron Age Units Name. SoldierLight Melee9 / 9 / 16 / 1Fast +4Bush D+3Forest D+4100 / 100 / 2h12minSoldier BarrackArcherShort Ranged10 / 4 / 12 / 5Heavy Melee +4Rocks A+2170 / 40 / 2h12minArchery RangeMounted WarriorFast9 / 8 / 22 / 1Short Ranged +4-40 / 180 / 2h12minMounted Warrior StableLegionnaireHeavy Melee8 / 13 / 11 / 1Light Melee +4Grass D+4230 / - / 2h12minLegionnaire BarrackBallistaLong Ranged5 / 3 / 6 / 13Heavy Melee +2Hills A+2- / 250 / 2h12minBallista Camp​Early Middle Age Units Name. Mounted ArcherShort Ranged8 / 6 / 22 / 4Heavy Melee +5Rocks A+3260 / 60 / 4h24minMounted Archer RangeMercenaryLight Melee13 / 13 / 16 / 1Fast +5Bush D+3Forest D+5150 / 150 / 4h24minMercenary BarrackHeavy CavalryFast12 / 13 / 22 / 1Short Ranged +5-70 / 260 / 4h24minHeavy Cavalry StableArmored InfantryHeavy Melee12 / 18 / 11 / 1Light Melee +5Grass D+5340 / - / 4h24minArmored Infantry BarrackCatapultLong Ranged7 / 3 / 6 / 13Heavy Melee +3Hills A+3- / 350 / 4h24minCatapult CampHigh Middle Age Name. BerserkerLight Melee20 / 16 / 16 / 1Fast +6Bush D+4Forest D+6200 / 200 / 6h24minBerserker BarrackCrossbowmanShort Ranged20 / 10 / 12 / 5Heavy Melee +6Rocks A+3340 / 80 / 4h24minCrossbow RangeKnightFast16 / 17 / 24 / 1Short Ranged +6'Chivalry'80 / 340 / 4h24minKnight StableHeavy InfantryHeavy Melee16 / 26 / 12 / 1Light Melee +6Grass D+6430 / - / 4h24minHeavy Infantry BarrackTrebuchetLong Ranged10 / 4 / 6 / 14Heavy Melee +4Hills A+3- / 450 / 4h24minTrebuchet CampLate Middle Age Name. Great Sword WarriorLight Melee25 / 25 / 16 / 1Fast +7Bush D+4Forest D+7250 / 250 / 4h24minGreat Sword Warrior BarrackLongbow ArcherShort Ranged24 / 12 / 12 / 6Heavy Melee +7Rocks A+4420 / 100 / 4h24minLongbow Archer RangeHeavy KnightFast22 / 25 / 24 / 1Short Ranged +7'Chivalry'110 / 430 / 4h24minHeavy Knight StableImperial GuardHeavy Melee21 / 30 / 12 / 1Light Melee +7Grass D+7560 / - / 4h24minImperial Guard BarrackCannonLong Ranged14 / 4 / 6 / 12Heavy Melee +4Hills A+4- / 580 / 4h24minCannon CampColonial Age Name.


MusketeerShort Ranged30 / 18 / 12 / 7Heavy Melee +10Rocks A+6350 / 350 / 4h24minMusketeer RangeRangerLight Melee35 / 35 / 16 / 1Fast +10Bush D+7;Forest D+10'stealth in forest'580 / 140 / 4h24minRangerEncampmentDragoonFast28 / 40 / 24 / 1Short Ranged +10-150 / 590 / 4h24minDragoon StableGrenadierHeavy Melee28 / 40 / 12 / 2Light Melee +10Grass D+10760 / - / 4h24minGrenadier BarrackField GunLong Ranged15 / 6 / 8 / 15Heavy Melee +7Hills A+6- / 780 / 4h24minField Gun CampIndustrial Age Name. RiflemanShort Range38 / 25 / 12 / 8Heavy Melee +15Rocks A+9500 / 500 / 4h24minRifleman RangeJaeger InfantryLight Melee28 / 37 / 16 / 6Fast +15Bush D+10;Forest D+14'Stealth in forest'830 / 210 / 4h24minJaeger EncampmentLancerFast40 / 40 / 24 / 1Short Ranged +15-220 / 860 / 4h24minLancer StableHowitzerHeavy Melee35 / 35 / 10 / 6Light Melee +15Bushes D+7Forest D+5'Blast'1120 / - / 4h24minHowizter FactoryBreech LoaderLong Ranged20 / 9 / 8 / 15Heavy Melee +10Hills A+9- / 1160 / 4h24minBreech Loader FactorySpecial Name.

Hey there, I seem to have gotten stuck at this battle: 8 heavy Cavalry, and I was curious if someone ever managed to beat it with Iron Age units. I don't like to brag but I dealt with anything so far, some early middle age fights, even with just 8 spearfighters. Could anyone explain how to beat this? I tried 8 soldiers, I tried soldiers with legioneers, I tried archers and soldiers, I tried pretty much everything and nothing worked - they're way to fast, ressistent and deal extremely high damage. They're also either extremely lucky that I always seem to hit for the least possible damage or there's something about them. PS: I wasted hours and hours and hours again to retrain the dead troops just to send them to their deaths again so I'd rather I'd only have to do that once.

I don't care how many troops die as long as I can win the fight. If you have ideas, please share. If my memory is right try 4 legioneers to defend the archers, if you lucky and get a defendable map then this should work, but if you get an open map. Ideal is a small gap between 2 lakes but this is a bit rare.find a lake/swamp area and cover the archers by the legioners such that the legioneers take the 1st hit but the archers then have time to attack.

Archers are great and were my best troops up to EMA but have no defence (well almost no defence at just 4) and work nice if you can defend them. Click to expand.I know that tactic, ofc. The thing is, being cavalry, they always attack first due to their speed(I tried to run, I tried to hide, no luck). And after you get attacked by 8 riders that kill anything in 2 hits, I'm not really left with anything else worthy of making any difference. Basically they won when the battle begun. All I can do before they hit is hide in the woods with my soldiers but even so, they still kill in 2 hits while I kill in 3(rarely in 2).

Even If I would manage to kill in 2 hits constantly, It would be pointless since at the time I get to hit I'm already left with 4, maybe 5 units. What can I possibly do? If my memory is right try 4 legioneers to defend the archers, if you lucky and get a defendable map then this should work, but if you get an open map. Ideal is a small gap between 2 lakes but this is a bit rare.find a lake/swamp area and cover the archers by the legioners such that the legioneers take the 1st hit but the archers then have time to attack. Archers are great and were my best troops up to EMA but have no defence (well almost no defence at just 4) and work nice if you can defend them.

Click to expand.Once again, I have to say that's usually my most common tactic but in this particular situation, there is nothing I can do. Most of the time 1 turn is not enough to create the protected area for the archers due to their limited speed and one usually remains on the outside making a cross and smoking his last joint. Also, legioneers sometimes die in 2 hits as well so they're not really ressistent against heavy cavalry.

I tried combining 4 archers with 4 soldiers(I will try with legioneers again soon) and what happened was pretty much a blietzkrieg, 2 knights defeated one soldier making room for the third knight to attack the archer behind. One that happened. I don't need to tell you, It's the mess.


Forge Of Empires Heavy Cavalry 2

And that's the best case scenario, when I actually get to protect the archers completely but I don't. I used 8 archers for this fight about 2 hours ago, and lost 4 archers. The cav moved first and almost lined up straight down the middle of the map, I ended up taking out 3, and injured another in the first round, the second round they took out 2 of my archers, and injured the third, the third round I took out three more including the damaged one from the first round, They then wiped out 2 more of my archers the next round, and I finished them off afterwards. I did not really have to use the rocks to my advantage because either way it took two to three shots per cav to kill them, but I hid my archers to where the cav could not hit all of them, only one or two.

I used 8 archers for this fight about 2 hours ago, and lost 4 archers. The cav moved first and almost lined up straight down the middle of the map, I ended up taking out 3, and injured another in the first round, the second round they took out 2 of my archers, and injured the third, the third round I took out three more including the damaged one from the first round, They then wiped out 2 more of my archers the next round, and I finished them off afterwards. I did not really have to use the rocks to my advantage because either way it took two to three shots per cav to kill them, but I hid my archers to where the cav could not hit all of them, only one or two. If my memory is right try 4 legioneers to defend the archers, if you lucky and get a defendable map then this should work, but if you get an open map. Ideal is a small gap between 2 lakes but this is a bit rare.find a lake/swamp area and cover the archers by the legioners such that the legioneers take the 1st hit but the archers then have time to attack.

Archers are great and were my best troops up to EMA but have no defence (well almost no defence at just 4) and work nice if you can defend them.