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IntroductionWe will create a simple PDF grid and show how to insert an image into a specific PDF grid cell in C#. Images are more attractive for reading documents. Images are related to the contents. Sometimes, an image can describe some content more clearly, like using a chart to show how data changes in a period.Spire.PDF for.NET is a professional to quickly generate, open, modify and save PDF documents without using Office Automation and enables users to insert an image into a PDF and set its size depending on the page using C#. How to draw a nested grid in a PDF document and set a grid row & cell format. In the second part you understand how to Encrypt a PDF document with a password. This guide introduces an easy way to insert an image via Spire.PDF for.NET.Create a Console Application for the demo.
Use the following procedure:. Open Visual Studio.
'File' - 'New' - 'Project.' . Select C# Language then select Console Application and name it “InsertImageToPDF”.
Click OK. Insert the following code for inserting an image into the PDF.