Zywall Block Outgoing Ports

18.10.2019by admin
Zywall Block Outgoing Ports Average ratng: 5,9/10 3149 votes

Having some experience with ZyWALLs, one of the first things I looked for was the ability to set a firewall rule to block and silence the logs for Skype's (OS X) udp port, as it uses to generate tons of avoidable connections. So far, I've found no way to specify a source port in a Policy. Blocking outbound traffic on Port 25 for ZyXel Zywall 5 / Exchange 2007. I need to block all outgoing traffic on TCP Port 25 Outbound from all IP addresses apart from my Mail server. Can anyone advise how to do this? Firewall is ZyXel ZyWall 5. Server is Exchange 2007 on Server 2003. Thanks Status Solved Priority.

Forexample, you may create rules to:¨ Block certain typesof traffic, such as IRC (Internet Relay Chat), from the LAN to theInternet.¨ Allow certain typesof traffic, such as Lotus Notes database synchronization, from specifichosts on the Internet to specific hosts on the LAN.¨ Allow everyone exceptyour competitors to access a Web server.¨ Restrict use ofcertain protocols, such as Telnet, to authorized users on the LAN.RuleLogic OverviewStudythese points carefully before configuring rules.RuleChecklist1. Statethe intent of the rule. For example, “This restricts all IRC accessfrom the LAN to the Internet.” Or, “This allows a remote Lotus Notesserver to synchronize over the Internet to an inside Notes server.”2. Isthe intent of the rule to forward or block traffic?3. Whatdirection of traffic does the rule apply to?4. What IP services will be affected?5. Whatcomputers on the LAN or DMZ are to be affected (if any)?6.

What computers on the Internet will be affected? The morespecific, the better. For example, if traffic is being allowed fromthe Internet to the LAN, it is better to allow only certain machineson the Internet to access the LAN. SecurityRamificationsOncethe logic of the rule has been defined, it is critical to considerthe security ramifications created by the rule:1. Doesthis rule stop LAN users from accessing critical resources on theInternet?

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For example, if IRC is blocked, are there users that requirethis service?2. Isit possible to modify the rule to be more specific?


For example, ifIRC is blocked for all users, will a rule that blocks just certainusers be more effective?3. Doesa rule that allows Internet users access to resources on the LAN createa security vulnerability? For example, if FTP ports (TCP 20, 21) areallowed from the Internet to the LAN, Internet users may be able toconnect to computers with running FTP servers.4. Does this rule conflict with any existing rules?Oncethese questions have been answered, adding rules is simply a matterof plugging the information into the correct fields in the web configuratorscreens.

KeyFields for Configuring Rules ActionShouldthe action be to Block or Forward?“Block”means the firewall silently discards the packet. ServiceSelectthe service from the Service scrolling listbox. If the service is not listed, it is necessary to first defineit. Stalker you see ivan. SourceAddressWhatis the connection’s source address; is it on the LAN, DMZ or WAN?Is it a single IP, a range of IPs or a subnet? DestinationAddressWhatis the connection’s destination address; is it on the LAN, DMZ orWAN?

Is it a single IP, a range of IPs or a subnet? ConnectionDirectionsLAN to LAN/ZyWALL,WAN to WAN/ZyWALL and DMZ to DMZ/ZyWALL rules apply to packets comingin on the associated interface (LAN, WAN, or DMZ respectively). LANto LAN/ZyWALL means policies for LAN-to-ZyWALL (the policies for managingthe ZyWALL through the LAN interface) and policies for LAN-to-LAN(the policies that control routing between two subnets on the LAN).Similarly, WAN to WAN/ZyWALL and DMZ to DMZ/ZyWALL polices apply inthe same way to the WAN and DMZ ports. LANto WAN RulesThedefault rule for LAN to WAN traffic is that all users on the LAN areallowed non-restricted access to the WAN.

When you configure a LANto WAN rule, you in essence want to limit some or all users from accessingcertain services on the WAN. WANto LAN RulesThedefault rule for WAN to LAN traffic blocks all incoming connections(WAN to LAN).

Zywall Block Outgoing Ports Windows 10

If you wish to allow certain WAN users to have accessto your LAN, you will need to create custom rules to allow it.Configuring RulesYour customrules work by comparing the Source IP address, DestinationIP address and IP protocol type of network traffic to rules setby the administrator. Your customized rules take precedence and overridethe ZyWALL's default rules.AlertsAlerts are reports on events, such as attacks, thatyou may want to know about right away. In the EditRule screen, you can choose to generate an alert when a ruleis matched.Configure the Log Settingsscreen to have the ZyWALL send an immediate e-mail message to youwhen an event generates an alert. Refer to the chapter on logs inthe User's Guide for details.LabelDescriptionFirewall Rules StorageSpace in UseThis read-only barshows how much of the ZyWALL's memory for recording firewall rules it iscurrently using. When you are using 80% or less of the storage space, thebar is green.

In our company we have a sub-network that is accessed remotely by VPN. No devices on this sub-network are allowed access to the WAN except over a site-to-site VPN. No devices on the sub-network are allowed access to the Internet period. Currently the production firewall is a Cisco ASA5505. Blocking the outbound traffic is accomplished on the ASA5505 by disabling Dynamic NAT.The goal is to retire the ASA5505 and replace it with a Zywall 110.

Zywall Block Outgoing Ports Address

Does anyone have a suggestion using the Zywall 110 to block traffic from the LAN from access to the WAN? By factory default the Zywall 110 is configured to permit LAN to WAN traffic and to provide dynamic NAT.Tom Orlofsky.