Ck2 Raiders Not Raiding

16.10.2019by admin
Ck2 Raiders Not Raiding Average ratng: 9,7/10 1095 votes

There have been a lot of requests for a list of what features are in the 2.2 patch and what are in the Charlemagne DLC, heres a list of the big features:DLC:- New 769 Bookmark- The Chronicle- Custom Kingdoms and Empires- Viceroys- Events & Decisions supporting the early start date- Various Story and Flavour eventsPatch:- Regency Overhaul- Seasonal Effects- Vassal Limit- Tribes- Elective GavelkindI've got a bunch of money in my steam wallet, so I might actually pick this up at full price. So, uh, there are new missions for your councilors (at least if you're tribal). Among them, your marshal, steward, and chaplain can each raise troops (along with prestige and piety for the latter two, respectively). My chaplain raised a bunch of zealots. Great, 312 free troops, which will leave if I don't use them in a holy war.except you can't launch a holy war from ireland (where I started). And you can't go raiding (marshall organized a raid). They left after a year, taking 250 piety with them.

This seems pretty wildly unbalanced. So I decided to pick the expansion up tonight.Started playing as High Chief Ihala of Satakunta (Finland). Right off the bat he got his fat unmilitary self killed leading troops conquering Uusimaa, passing the realm onto his 6 year old son Terho, who amazingly had a loyal regent/guardian and survived to adulthood.

Jan 29, 2017  I'm trying to understand when my raiders can raid and when they can't. I've been raiding the Danish coast (as Russian tribal) and on some counties everything goes like clockwork - the raiding progress bar is activated as they suck away some gold, but other times not. Instead my raiders just sit there and I've waisted time attacking a country with no profit from it.

He immeadately finished what his father began and conquered Hami, almost completing the dutchy I started with. Things seemed to be going good. Then it all came crashing down when Svipjod decided they needed to own Finland and came in with an army 6.5x bigger than mine and seized my dukedom. Then promptly revoked my counties. Time to find someone else to play as. Hi everyone,Today we’re announcing that we’re in the midst of developing something new for Crusader Kings II, a project that will allow you to get even deeper into the role-playing aspects of the game. Way of Life, the next DLC for CK2, will let you become a better (or worse!) ruler and grant you more power over personal relationships than ever before.Sure, it’s nice to have someone cozy up to you and be your lover while you’re sitting atop the throne, but what if you could choose who to seduce?

Or, after getting into that relationship on the side, what if you discover that you just need some space and had a way to break it off? You know, without having your soon-to-be ex-lover assassinated.


Ck2 Raiders Not Raiding Dead

These things and much more, including hundreds of new events, are coming to Way of Life.With every piece of DLC, we always issue a patch for the vanilla game that allows everyone to take advantage of the changes being made to CK2, and this will be no different EXCEPT this particular time we’re asking for your assistance by helping us test out the patch ahead of the launch of Way of Life. The beta test will begin next week and we’ll have more details on how to fabricate a claim to beta test soon, so be on the lookout.- Paradox Development Studio & Paradox Interactivein unrelated news: anyone who's annoyed at not getting gold for banishing people, the new thing to do is to give your overly-wealthy bishop or mayor a barony (not a county, just a barony). When they die, you get the barony and their gold, while their primary title makes up a new holder as usual. Hello Crusader Kings fans!As promised we are launching the open beta for 2.3 today, and while it does not contain anything from the Way of Life Expansion ( You'll have to wait for the actual release before you can play that ) you'll be able to enjoy all the bugfixes and improvements we have done to the game to date. You'll also be able to help us make sure that the Way of Life launch is as smooth as silk, since hopefully the combined effort of all of our dedicated fans and our hard-working QA department will be able to find all the issues that crop up between 2.2.1 and the 2.3 launch.Before the speculations run rampant I need to tell you all that Way of Life is a fairly small and very 'focused' expansion, it will consist mostly of events ( lots of them though ) and only one significant mechanics change. Its effect on Role-playing and immersion should not be understated however.Normally, we don't do open beta patches before the release of a new expansion (a policy that is not about to change), but in this case it was easy to separate the DLC content from the patch content. We also want to make sure that everything is sound before the holidays are upon us!Keep in mind that this is a beta branch, so there could still be bugs, crashes and odd behaviour, use at your own risk.If you want to use the beta branch, right click the game in the Steam client, choose Properties, click the 'Betas' tab and select the 'Beta' version of the game.Here is the changelog.

MAJOR:- Reduced the amount of money the pope gets from bishops ( from 40% of tax to 10% of tax for Popes, 20% to 5% for Anti-Popes )- Added a whole event system for husbands to find out if their wife/concubine has been unfaithful (after 'Doubt besets me.' )- Multithreaded startup of the game- Fixed crash caused by destroyed settlements by Viking looters- Fixed probable OOS- Fixed crash when missing certain Unit Pack DLC's- Fixed memory leak when calculating subunits monthly cost.MINOR:- Winning and losing wars now tends to give more nicknames- Decadence Revolts: Boosted troop strengths- Decadence Revolts: Vassals more likely to go independent- Decadence Revolts: the revolt winner no longer gets any claims on vassals that go independent- Expanded on the Lunatic gained event (6020). So, love this game and recently re-installed it to give it another go. One thing that does bother me, however, is how combat works.

Mostly I find it tedious - it's my least favorite part of the game. What would you all recommend for some great low-combat scenarios I should try? Also, are there any recommended mods that would make combat either A) more transparent or B) into less of a whack a mole exercise? Perhaps there is some secret combat tactic out there (besides bringing overwhelming numbers) that I'm not using to bring wars to a swift conclusion? Is anyone besides me playing?

I just (re-)discovered the game recently. It's clicked with me this time, I'm understanding a lot more and am not losing games in the first 50 years.I am the motherfucking King of Ireland, having unified the land at an early age due to the work of my father before me, and his father before him. I had six tutors, 3 of them being replaced because of 'court matters I was too young to comprehend.' I married an English princess.


She was actually the heir when we were betrothed (at age 6), apparently she had a brother born right before I married her. I should have started stabbitying people sooner. Will have to work on that.I am the assassinator of people in fucking Dublin. They keep revolting. I put an end to that shit last night, capturing and executing the last non-Irish person in charge there and keeping the duchy for m'self.I am having trouble getting a foothold in Scotland.

I have claims on 2/3 of the Duchy Next Door™ but don't have casus belli because the duke isn't independent, and the pope is being an asshole about letting me invade. My youngest daughter is now married to that duke. I'm trying to figure out how to make that work. I may need to work on more marriages to bring Scotland under my control. I need to catch up on DLC, so I guess I'll be participating in the Steam summer sale.-I'm probably not in a position to make a move, but I'm sorely tempted to try.My wife is the Countess of Wessex, and I hold the title Earl of Wessex.

Mind you, I'm the King of Ireland.The King of England is in jail right now, captured in the war over Jerusalem. The regent is the Duke of Wessex. Trying to figure out how to install my wife or myself in England now. Scotland can wait.-Well, this is interesting.My wife died, leaving my middle grandchild as the Earl of Wessex.I killed him. Untraceable, so I thought.Passed to his younger sister. I'm trying to kill her, but I notice my son has had another kid. So I'll have to kill him too.But now, for a claim on my northernmost county, Scotland has declared war on me.Guess I'm going into Scotland after all.But the King of Scotland called the HRE into the fray FUUUUUUU.

The HRE probably won't show up.I'm due to get back into the game soon - good to hear there's another patch and DLC on the way.The HRE showed the fuck up, with about 4x the troops I had (and I was fairly evenly matched with Scotland).I got my ass handed to me.That's fine. I surrendered quickly, licked my wounds, replenished my army, and tried again.

Everything was going great, I occupied the county I lost, and the other two I had claims on, and was beating the fuck out of the King of Scotland. It helped that he was being invaded by the Norge and had a peasant revolt on his hands. And then I died.Now what I missed in the meantime was this: My son, my heir (who got a duchy and wasn't in my court at the time) was rendered incapable at some point in his adulthood (I'm guessing head injury - he was fine not long before my death). Which kind of makes me feel bad, I'd been killing his kids off. So here (the new) I am, 8 Martial, 1 stewardship, and 3 zeroes, lost most of the claims I had in Scotland and all in England.

And now peasant revolts have wiped my army, and my Regent won't let me arrange marriages, and made himself a duke.This may be the end of my game, but we shall see.We shall see. I've been watching J2JonJeremy on YouTube playing it, including Charlemagne and Way of Life.It looks interesting and I'm considering buying both, but I'm going to wait until the Steam summer sale to see if it will come down in price a little.Paradox is usually pretty good about putting CK2 on sale along with most of the DLC during the sales, more often than not it'll be 80% or so. You can also check the Humble Bundle as they'll throw it, EU4 and some of their other strategy games on there from time to time.-J. The HRE probably won't show up.I'm due to get back into the game soon - good to hear there's another patch and DLC on the way.The HRE showed the fuck up, with about 4x the troops I had (and I was fairly evenly matched with Scotland).I got my ass handed to me.That's fine. I surrendered quickly, licked my wounds, replenished my army, and tried again.

Ck2 Raiders Not Raiding Lyrics

Everything was going great, I occupied the county I lost, and the other two I had claims on, and was beating the fuck out of the King of Scotland. It helped that he was being invaded by the Norge and had a peasant revolt on his hands.

And then I died.Now what I missed in the meantime was this: My son, my heir (who got a duchy and wasn't in my court at the time) was rendered incapable at some point in his adulthood (I'm guessing head injury - he was fine not long before my death). Which kind of makes me feel bad, I'd been killing his kids off. So here (the new) I am, 8 Martial, 1 stewardship, and 3 zeroes, lost most of the claims I had in Scotland and all in England. And now peasant revolts have wiped my army, and my Regent won't let me arrange marriages, and made himself a duke.This may be the end of my game, but we shall see.We shall see.Also I forgot that I named this guy Hodor.